Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Thoughts on Reading

     I love to read. I read about everything, yes, even the back of cereal boxes! I have a large collection of books, which I love. They are all based on my likes, so I have a very broad assortment, I never realized until now how many I have and how different they are. Too bad the majority of them are still stored in the basement. Hmm, I guess I need to go get them out now that I have some room for them. My favorite books are my Bible, an old copy of  Jane Eyre, an old herbal book, and a copy of Memoirs of a Geisha. I have never seen the movie, but the book is wonderful! I love books of all sorts, from the Classics to modern horror/psychological thrillers.
     To be honest, I do not even own a television, nor do I really ever watch movies (they put me to sleep). The stupid box called t.v. doesn't really entertain me at all.  When it comes down to it, I would rather read the book. They are always better than the movies anyhow.
     I was just glancing around on Pinterest this morning and I found this quote: "There's more to life than books, you know but not much more." I do not know who wrote it to give proper credit. In my life this is a fairly true quote, but I admit I like writing just a little better. Currently I have 5 very different journals that I am keeping and none of those include my poetry journals.
     American Literature is my all-time favorite subject. This is my fifth semester at Ivy Tech and I can honestly say that this is my favorite class. I am taking a second course next semester and I look very forward to it. I have enjoyed all my English classes, and they have been very helpful to me. The value of these classes will show, when I decide to have my poetry published. I also dream of writing my book about what Bipolar Type 1 feels like, along with the feelings of the deep depression that sometimes occurs. I guess I have put that dream on the back burner for now, in favor of my poetry.
     I think the best gift that a child can receive in material things, is an age-appropriate book. My young grandchildren love books. I love to have one of the little ones come and say, "Mamaw read me a story." or now that two of my grandbabies are in school: "Mamaw can I read you a story?" Reading books helps unlock the imagination and is a key to learning.


  1. I really enjoy reading your posts! I'm also a big fans of books and perhaps a bit of a bibliophile - I love the smell, feel, and sound of books! I hope to start a collection one day, but so far I haven't been able to do it to a satisfying extent.
    I'm excited for you too about possibly getting your poetry published and writing a book on Bipolar! I hope it all works out for you, God bless!
