Friday, November 30, 2012

My Thoughts on Hester Prynne

Until the reading for class, I had never before read “The Scarlet Letter”, nor had I watched the movie. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I loved it. I loved Hester Prynne, she is my new hero! Hester was a remarkable woman. So what that she committed adultery, her husband did basically abandon her. Myself, I am not an adulteress, nor do I condone it, but I can relate to Hester and the utter loneliness that she must have felt for years.

Hester walked the straight and narrow regardless of that letter “A”. She could have buckled under the shame, but she kept her head up and kept persevering. She kept her pride as a human being and a woman. Hester was a help to anyone and everyone who needed her, and she did it with no ulterior motive. She provided for herself and for Pearl without help from anyone else. She did it all!

Hester made her a place in the world, no matter the scorn she received. She, unlike them, had respect for everyone, except for her husband. Who could blame her? Hester was strong- willed and strong-minded. She had faith and a beautiful heart; she had much patience and was of quiet spirit. Hester also was most courageous and thought things out thoroughly before she spoke or acted.

I think very highly of Hester Prynne. I would not mind being the beautiful person she was- I hope to attain most of these qualities during my life; some I have, others like speaking BEFORE thinking, I need to work on! We all have flaws and have done things that we are not proud of, but we must learn from our mistakes. Hester was the most independent woman that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting! This is a story that I will not soon forget!

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